NSW John Arkinstall State Open Teams - 2011

2011 State Open Teams Finals
December 9-11

NSW Bridge Association, Level 1, 162 Goulburn St, East Sydney

SOT Winners State Open Teams Winners: Peter Gill, Tony Nunn, Martin Bloom, Helena Dawson and Sartaj Hans

2011 State Open Teams Final Results

The 2011 State Open Teams was won by the BLOOM team defeating the GUMBY (Pauline Gumby, Warren Lazer, Adam Edgtton, Andrew Peake,- Bruce Neill) team (140-124).

The Playoff for the Country Teams Championship was won by the MCGRATH team (Paul Mcgrath, Normand Maclaurin, Ken Berry,  Robyn Fletcher) defeating the MAYO team (Greg Mayo, Sharon Mayo, Michael Johnson, David Tucker, Catherine James) (110-36).

Round Robin Qualifying: 2 x 12 board matches commencing 7:00 pm Friday December 9, 2011, 5 x 12 board matches commencing 10.00 am Saturday December 10, 2011.

Final: 56 boards commencing 10:00 am Sunday December 11, 2011

Qualified Teams

Northern Division
Greg Mayo, Sharon Mayo, Michael Johnson, David Tucker, Catherine James
Southern and Western Division
Steve Hurley, Liz Hurley, Leigh Foran, Theo Mangos
Outer Metropolitan Division
Paul McGrath, Normand MacLaurin, Ken Berry, Robyn Fletcher
Martin Bloom, Tony Nunn, Helena Dawson, Sartaj Hans, Peter Gill
Pauline Gumby, Warren Lazer, Adam Edgtton, Andrew Peake, Bruce Neill
Judy Mott, Giselle Mundell, Avril Zets, Rita Nailand
Sydney Metropolitan Region
Tom Goodyer, David Smee, Kevin Davies, Steven Bock
Linda Aubusson, Witold Chylewski, Rosa Pang, David Boga

2011 State Open Teams Draw

.Map of the NSWBA


2011 State Open Teams Metropolitan Final
September 18, 2011

Club Willoughby
26 Crabbes Ave, Willoughby
starting at 10.00am

Teams List

1st: (North Shore)  Tom Goodyer, David Smee, Kevin Davies, Steven Bock
2nd: (Overtricks)     Theo Antoff, Albert Simpson, James Ebery, Nevena Djurovic

All enquiries to the Convener: Nick Hughes
Phone/Fax: (02) 9387 6175


2011 State Open Country Team Championship



Northern Division Divisional Final Results (July 2-3)

Outer Metropolitan Divisional Final Results (July 2-3)

Outer Metropolitan Regional Teams Winners - Paul McGrath, Normand MacLaurin, Ken Berry, Robyn Fletcher

Southern and Western Divisional Final Results (July 2-3)

The Southern and Western Divisional Final was held at Wagga Wagga on July 2-3. The Hurley team, Steve Hurley. Liz Hurley. Leigh Foran and Theo Mangos from IBA won the event from the Thompson team from Leeton who came a very close second.

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