John Arkinstall State Teams - 2014
2014 Country Teams Championship
2014 John Arkinstall State Teams Finals
December 12-14
Three teams from the NSWBA, two from the Sydney Metropolitan region and one from each of the Outer Metropolitan, Northern and Southern & Western regions will make up the 8 teams to play in the John Arkinstall State Teams Round Robin on Friday and Saturday December 12 & 13. On Sunday December 14 the top two teams will play in the Final and the top two Country Teams will play in the Country Teams final.
2014 Country Teams Final
December 14
NSW Bridge Association, Level 1, 162 Goulburn St, East Sydney
starting at 10.00am
2014 Country Teams Zonal Finals
June 28-29
Northern Zone
Venue: Coffs Harbour Bridge Club
Director: Michael Wilkinson
Convener: Ian Price
The winners were: Magda Kiraly, Ben Raaphorst, Kellie Potts, Nigel McIvor
Sadly Ben Raaphorst passed away suddenly. Ben and Magda have been replaced by Ian Price and Michael Johnson.
Outer Metropolitan Zone
Venue: Brisbane Water Bridge Club
Convener: Louis Koolen
The winners were: Nancye Joss, Gary Heyting, Adele Mills, Peter Berzins, Dorothy Berzins
Southern & Western Zone
Venue: Wagga Wagga Bridge Club
Convener: Steve Hurley
The winners were: Tim Marchant, Liz Hurley, Ian Porter, Steve Hurley
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