Results> GNOT> 2024> Metropolitan Region

Grand National Open Teams (GNOT)

Sydney Metropolitan Region

Bridge NSW will send 22 teams to the GNOT National Final with 7* of those teams from the Sydney Metropolitan region (2 directly from the Bridge NSW qualifying event, 1 directly from the NSBC qualifying event, 1 directly from the SBC qualifying event and 3 from the Sydney Metropolitan final).

Sydney Metropolitan Qualifying

For Clubs


Sydney Metropolitan Direct Qualifiers

Bridge NSW, the North Shore Bridge Club and the Sydney Bridge Centre will each hold an event to qualify two, one and one teams respectively directly to the GNOT National Final.

» SBC GNOT Direct Qualifier 13-14 April

SBC GNOT Direct Qualifier Results
David Wiltshire, Jessica Brake, Shane Harrison, Liam Milne, Sophie Ashton, James Coutts

» NSBC GNOT Direct Qualifier Starts 9 May

NSBC GNOT Direct Qualifier Results
Liz Adams, Michael Courtney, Tony Nunn, Joan Butts, Eugene Gordon

» Bridge NSW GNOT Direct Qualifier Starts 22 July

Bridge NSW GNOT Direct Qualifying Results
Peter Newman, Maurits Van Der Vlugt, David Beauchamp, Ron Klinger, Matt Mullamphy, Matthew Thomson
Yumin Li, Peter Jeffery, Andrew Peake, Giselle Mundell

Sydney Metropolitan Final
7-8 September

Sydney Metropolitan Final Results
Peter Buchen, Warren Lazer, Bruce Neill, Pauline Gumby
Sherlock Shao, Patrick Jiang, Hui Li, Kelsey Chen, Liz Sylvester, Peter Gill
Fraser Rew, Ella Jacob, Matt Smith, Jamie Thompson
Eric Lippey, Kerry Boytell, Robin Ho, Alexander Cook

Three* teams will qualify to the National Qualifying Final, RealBridge, 20-22 September.

*Due to a withdrawal of a team to the National Final, NSW accepted the offer to provide an additional team from the Sydney Metropolitan area.

Players who have not already qualified via a club qualifying event (CQE) may form teams and enter the Metropolitan Final directly at a cost of $260 per team. All team members must have previously played in a CQE within the Sydney metropolitan region.

Please email the organiser if you wish to enter directly.

Metropolitan GNOT Organiser

David Wiltshire
Tel: 0412 341 504